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Monday, November 1, 2010

Haves vs. Have Nots

I like to practice learning new stitches and skills, especially when I need a diversion from life-on-life's terms. Times like these are ideal for whittling down some of my yarn that's not already earmarked for specific projects. This practice of using extras or odd skeins falls under the concept referred to as "de-stashing."

One can choose to de-stash in creative ways, such as yarn storming, gifting unneeded inventory via an organization such as Freecycle™, or by knitting for a worthwhile charity. These methods are wonderful for folks for whom supply or budget considerations are not an issue. These fortunate souls can count themselves as "Haves."

Conversely, there's no shortage of us who, for whatever reasons, find ourselves in the other neighborhood known as the "Have Nots." There's nothing wrong with knitting in this side of town. Heck, isn't that where our familiar "last house on the block" is? It's also quite close to our new suppliers: the discount and thrift shops. What most of the Haves don't like to admit is that way back when, their first yarn was probably an ancient scratchy skein of Sayelle that Grandma bought at Kresge's in 1973.

What continues to perplex me are the self-righteous denizens of the Haves brigade: the Yarn Snobs. Thankfully, these myopic creatures represent only a small percentage of the Haves. Recovery teaches me that there's precious serenity in knowing that others' opinions of me are none of my business. This also extends to my knitting, thankyouverymuch. Still, where is the compassion, or even the teeniest snippet of logic in a mindset that gauges another knitter's worth on his or her yarn, tools, and so forth? If anyone is offended by these observations, there might be an underlying identification factor worth examining. Just saying.

Well, whether one's a Have or a Have Not, when it comes to addiction recovery we're all equals. This dopeless knitter certainly doesn't discriminate on the basis of fiber content. So bring out your Red Heart, your Peaches & Creme, your Andean silk, your homespun- it's all welcome at this stitch fest!

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