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Friday, November 12, 2010

Alphabetically Addicted

A is for... acceptance. Maintaining a realistic perspective on my skills and aspirations certainly helps.

B is for... ball. Of yarn. A gargantuan ball of yarn.

C is for... color! Sometimes an ideal diversion for a dismal mood is as simple as practicing new stitches with some bright hues.

D is for... double-pointed needles (DPNs). Whether you love 'em or loathe 'em, eventually you'll probably need 'em.

E is for... Each One Teach One. This "pay it forward" principle applies to knitting, recovery, and well, life in general.

F is for... fibers, of which there are so many wonderful options.

G is for... gauge. Swatch it, then watch it.

H is for... humor. Take your mind off the dope. Laugh.

I is for... increase, as in one's confidence and self-esteem, from successfully applying him/herself to recovery -and- another worthwhile passion.

J is for... justification. Since all my bills are all paid, perhaps I'm entitled to buy those skeins I've been drooling over.

K is for... Knit-A-Long (KAL). It's a great way for folks to support each other while working on projects. Case in point: NaKniSweMo.

L is for... learning. Studies have shown that skills and lessons we learn are more quickly mastered the sooner we share our newly found knowledge with others.

M is for... meetings. Consideration for our brothers and sisters in the rooms is necessary. If there's an established group conscience which prohibits knitting during a group's meetings, please respect it.

N is for... needles. Bamboo, aluminum, straights, circular- anything except syringes.

O is for... open-mindedness. Take a walk on the wild side when it's needed. You never know when knitting a novelty yarn boa might genuinely help keep you clean.

P is for... patterns. Some cost while others are free. The Twelve Steps are free.

Q is for... quixotic: Any half-baked, dangerous notions an addict may have about being able to use without negative consequences.

R is for... - Get your knit on!

S is for... stash. We've replaced dope with yarn. Yay, US!

T is for... therapeutic. Clinical research conducted since the 1950s increasingly supports the validity of Personal Control Theory (PCT) as a beneficial consideration in addiction recovery. Keep knitting!

U is for... unconventional. Knitters, like addicts, span all demographics. Contrary to popular stereotypes, our lack of fixed convention is the convention.

V is for... vintage. Here you will find a veritable feast of free vintage knit patterns. Enjoy!

W is for... wonderment. Technology continues to bring us marvelous new approaches to doing things. Perhaps in the future we'll be able to knit cool fiber optic clothing.

X is for... xkcd, specifically this strip which serves as an appropriate segue for showing some less-than-three (<3 = love) to a fellow knitter.

Y is for... yarn storming. Don't know what it is? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Z is for... zen. For many, there is a spiritual component to hand knitting.

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